Monday, July 20, 2015

Da best night evah

My boys have not stopped talking about "da best night of dewe wives," AKA the night when James and I through all rules out the window and decided that creating crazy memories with our munchkins is more important than bedtime. We thought it would be a quick trip to Sheep Meadow to shoot bow and arrows and fly the drone but the air was thick with humidity and we knew it was going to be the perfect night to peep on fireflies, something we've never done as a family before because at 7 pm I turn into an "I'm the mean Mommy now" pumpkin. But there must have been magic in that thick Central Park air because before long we were eating popsicles for dinner ("This is so unusual!" said Talmage) and heading East in search of loud Top 40 beats ("We gonna go dance at dat pawty, huh Mom!" said Ever). All along Quinn was a perfect angel in her pack and we were watching thousands of fireflies dance together in the twilight. I would say the whole thing was picturesque, but I don't think all the pictures in the world could showcase the love and fun we had together, it truly was the best night ever!

We found the party at Summerstage and we were most definitely the only ones with kids meaning they got a whole lotta "you're adorable!" looks and we got a whole lotta "what are you thinking?" glares! It was so much fun I can't even tell you. My little boys were jamming and moving and when a Latin song came on Talmage even debuted the starfish move he learned in his Kindergarten dance class. That move in and of itself made my whole month! We stayed for four or five songs, just the perfect amount of time and then walked back through the park, singing to fireflies and shooting our glow in the dark arrows. 
We're all sweaty from walking and dancing but here we are at the end of the dance party. Thanks for being my peeps James, T, Ever Knight and Quinny-girl. Adventuring is so much fun when you're all there!

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