Saturday, April 1, 2017

Kid Quotes and Coco

I used to be SO good at recording all the cute, funny and clever things the kids said during the day, but I've gotten busier and out of practice. Every time they open their mouth (except, of course, for when they are screaming or fighting) they make me smile with how they put words together to express their feelings. This last week I tried to write the things they said in a memo pad on my phone, but I know I still missed so much. Another week and another personal goal--be present enough to hear the humor of their words and write them down! Most of the quotes below are from Quinny, frankly because most of my time is spent by her side. But T and Evie had a couple good ones this week as well. Cora can't talk of course but per normal most photos are of her so she has a place in this post as well. There really is nothing cuter than our Cora Nicole.

VTech Computer: What has a blowhole?
Quinny: ME!
Me: You don't have a blowhole, silly girl!
Quinny, pulling off her covers and examining her feety pajamas: Yes, Quinny DOES have a blowhole. See dat hole in my toe, dat is my blowhole! 
{Sure enough, there was a tiny hole.}

Quinny: I've got some wiccups.

T: I am LITERALLY amazing at so many things. 

Quinny: I need to brush my teesch!

Everett: When I die, how will I know where to go?
Talmage: Well, you'll probably die after you're 8 so you'll have the Holy Ghost and He can tell you where heaven is!

Quinny: Coco's a fox. And I'm a horse.
Me: Really, what am I?
Quinny: You're a pig.

Everett: I know a lot about what I believe in.
Me: Really? What do you believe in?
Ev: I believe in Heavenly Mother. And Heavenly Father.
{Me too, kid! And I believe in you!}

 T was "babysitting" Cora in the back bedroom and came out saying "Everyone bow for Princess Coco!" She was THRILLED with the attention and I thought this moment was one of the cuter in my lifetime.

This baby crawls to the window and waves to her Daddy every morning as he leaves for work. She's just so darling that sometimes James turns right back around to give her another kiss goodbye. These two baby girls have their Daddy wrapped, that's for sure!

First day of Cub Scouts in his new uniform and feeling excited that it's a cook out. S'Mores here he comes!


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