Saturday, October 14, 2017

Perspective from our soccer player

Everett scored a goal in his game this afternoon--his first one of the season! And to be honest, the goal was only a tiny part of what impressed me. He was running until his cheeks were bright pink, kicking the ball with strength and passion and boy did he protect that goal from the other team. Near the end of the game James leaned over and said, "Can you believe he is the same kid who needed two surgeries to save his life? Now look at him--he's a real soccer player, and a good one!" There are so many reasons to doubt and fear in this life but then there are reasons to rejoice and believe--Everett continues to be the latter for me. I never imagined six years ago that life could be as energetic and hopeful and normal as it has proven to be, which makes me think that six years from now there's a good chance I'll be feeling the same way about difficult or worrisome areas of my current life. Perspective is a beautiful thing, and so is my Ever Knight.  

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