Monday, January 27, 2020

Piano Recital

Talmage and Everett have been taking piano lessons for a few years now. Dr. Margot shows up to our house every Monday afternoon and has done a beautiful job encouraging and improving their musical abilities--even when she's met with little tyrants!

Ev is still lukewarm to the whole situation if I'm being honest; he's easily discouraged and learning new piano skills can be quite tricky at times. Dr. Margot keeps a bowl of popcorn on the dining room table and every time he plays a full song or stays positive through practice she rewards his good behavior with a little treat. He really is the cutest puppy, and she a seasoned trainer. He is learning resilience and patience and when he masters a new song, pride. I loved the shy smile that spread across his face last week at the piano recital when he perfectly played "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" and then took a bow.

T is our enthusiastic musician, mostly because he loves calming his jittery fingers on the keys. He practices formally every day, but he also dinks on the keys in between homework assignments, on his way from the dining table to the kitchen and when he's bored, so basically, the piano is constantly being played in our home. I think Dr. Margot would give him 100 treats if it meant he'd listen to her during practice instead of playing new songs or combinations of notes out of turn, but he's so positive and excited about all things piano that both of us are at a loss! He played a few songs at the recital, but the Hymn book version of "I am a child of God" gave him the most grief. He kept telling me that this was a Level 7 song, which is a BIG deal for him, but it sounded beautiful and I was so impressed.

Piano lessons are a gift I am grateful to give my children and their advancements bring me so much joy. Someday I hope to join them in lessons, but for now I'm just so happy they're bringing music into our home.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

I get by with a little help from my friends

I have so many things I could say, but instead I'll just add these pictures to my blog with a one word caption: grateful. I don't know what my life would even be without these ladies.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Wiglets in Primary

My last baby has graduated from nursery--Cora is a SUNBEAM! She wasn't so sure about primary after hearing her siblings tell her that there are no snacks and no toys, but she marched right in and sat down with her friends like she owned the place and there have been nothing but positive reports for weeks now! This is the only year where all four of my children will be together in primary, and even though it's silly it brings me so much joy knowing that our Wiglet team can all be found in one place on Sunday. I really, really love this little crew.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

My best self at the beach

I'm my best self on the beach. 
I'm the best mom. I'm the best friend. I'm the best me.
 I feel the most beautiful. I feel the most natural. I feel calm and confident and perfect. 
Give me a summer beach day or give me one in the winter and I'll be there. 
And I'll love it. 
I'm just so insanely grateful that this is part of our life.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Today. At the park.

These two boys are almost too big to play at the park, I'm afraid. I could see the parents of babies and young ones watching them today, hoping that their respect matched their boundless energy. It does, thank goodness, and they were good sports about being surrounded by endless toddlers, but after 15 minutes both of them returned to my side saying that they were ready to go home. They are constantly punching and touching and yelling and fighting and yet today at the park I was just so grateful that they have each other.  

Quinny zips from one side of the park to another faster than I can follow. She's always making new friends, usually with boys a few years older than her. They play superhero or chase each other or on days like today, she spins around with those older kids a million times at light speed. "It's like I'm having a brain attack when I spin around," she said. And I understood, I felt the same way just watching her.

On our way to the park Coco looked at me through the rearview mirror and said, "Are you so excited to push me on the swing?" I don't know what kind of psychology books this girl is reading but it worked and I found myself with this view for much longer than I anticipated. She's so content being the baby and loves being pampered, and I know that future me is going to be very angry that I'm not better at nipping this in the bud. When my arms had finally had enough she jumped off the swing, grabbed my hand and said, "What should we do now together?" I'm wrapped, you guys. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


I come into 2020 with no fancy mission statements, no endless list of resolutions, no impressive new year mantra or anything resembling my normal (and possibly OCD) year plan. This year is different in ways that I can't find the words to explain. Believe me, if I had the words I would share them, I'm nothing if not long-winded, but all I know is that new weeks, new months, new years usually breathe wild energy into my soul and yet this year I feel calm and quiet and a little hesitant if I'm being honest, the only words spinning through my head: Be kind to us 2020. Be gentle.

I respect 2020 in a way that I don't remember feeling towards past years, probably because 2020 is a year for us Wigs that's full of endless possibilities and also so very many unknowns. It takes a large amount of strength for a planner like me to realize that I don't know what this year will bring, to feel safe in God's plan for us. It's the start of a new year. It's the start of a new decade. And is it the start of something more?

There was no big party to welcome the year, my normal hosting gig went out the window in favor of just the six of us--the LA little Wigs--spending the end of one decade and the beginning of the next in our happiest place. We ate tacos. We watched the sunset. We took silhouette pictures and then came home to watch a movie in our jammies. Of course I fell asleep long before midnight but all three boys stayed awake and were sure to wake me up for the countdown. Everett was so excited he clung to me like a koala to eucalyptus with a smile so wide it lit the room. "It's New Year's, Mom! I love you, it's New Years!" We woke up just a few hours later and went right back to the beach. James and I ran, the kids biked, and we logged 5.5 miles together. Then we went home, played games, ate a charcuterie board and drank fancy lemonade. It was quiet and calm and perfect. 

So maybe we don't know what 2020 will bring, but it sure did start off on the right foot and for that, I am grateful. Happy New Years, everyone. And if you, like me, are going into 2020 with hope and respect and love but not a darn clue what is going to happen, you're not alone.