Wednesday, January 1, 2020


I come into 2020 with no fancy mission statements, no endless list of resolutions, no impressive new year mantra or anything resembling my normal (and possibly OCD) year plan. This year is different in ways that I can't find the words to explain. Believe me, if I had the words I would share them, I'm nothing if not long-winded, but all I know is that new weeks, new months, new years usually breathe wild energy into my soul and yet this year I feel calm and quiet and a little hesitant if I'm being honest, the only words spinning through my head: Be kind to us 2020. Be gentle.

I respect 2020 in a way that I don't remember feeling towards past years, probably because 2020 is a year for us Wigs that's full of endless possibilities and also so very many unknowns. It takes a large amount of strength for a planner like me to realize that I don't know what this year will bring, to feel safe in God's plan for us. It's the start of a new year. It's the start of a new decade. And is it the start of something more?

There was no big party to welcome the year, my normal hosting gig went out the window in favor of just the six of us--the LA little Wigs--spending the end of one decade and the beginning of the next in our happiest place. We ate tacos. We watched the sunset. We took silhouette pictures and then came home to watch a movie in our jammies. Of course I fell asleep long before midnight but all three boys stayed awake and were sure to wake me up for the countdown. Everett was so excited he clung to me like a koala to eucalyptus with a smile so wide it lit the room. "It's New Year's, Mom! I love you, it's New Years!" We woke up just a few hours later and went right back to the beach. James and I ran, the kids biked, and we logged 5.5 miles together. Then we went home, played games, ate a charcuterie board and drank fancy lemonade. It was quiet and calm and perfect. 

So maybe we don't know what 2020 will bring, but it sure did start off on the right foot and for that, I am grateful. Happy New Years, everyone. And if you, like me, are going into 2020 with hope and respect and love but not a darn clue what is going to happen, you're not alone.

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