Sunday, August 16, 2009


What happens when two Taurus women decide they want to do the dishes and want the other person to relax? WATER FIGHT! The water fight was crazy fun (and really, really crazy!) and don't worry...we made up in the end! I have a super sweet video, but technically-challenged me can't figure out how to upload it. Below you can see us post-fight shaking on a truce. (I know what you're thinking, fighting over doing the dishes? Really? Once again let me mention that two Taurus women were involved!)


  1. Thats funny! My mom and I are both Taurus too! We're both pretty stubborn and that sounds like something we would do =)

  2. Haha... hilarious! I was so not surprised, though. :) Have you been working out? Your arms look very in shape!!!
