Wednesday, September 21, 2011


The jury's still out on this one.

He takes a binkie, but he definitely prefers his thumb.

It's funny because I don't think he understands that his thumb is connected to his body because he'll drop his hand and then sob hysterically because he's lost his thumb. When we put his thumb back up to his face he sucks away as happy as can be.

It's really cute. Too cute probably!

PS--The jury's also still out on his eye color. They are still looking awfully blue. But a really dark, almost gray blue. They are gorgeous!

1 comment:

  1. I remember when Ashleigh started sucking her thumb - I thought it was so cute. People would get a stern face and warn me that I should be pulling her thumb out of her mouth, "she'll have crooked teeth" they told me, "it'll be awful to break her of that habit" they warned. I didn't listen to any of them, and needless to say none of those warnings came true. I just had one cute baby girl, who happened to find great joy out of sucking her thumb!! Suck on baby Ev!!
