Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I'm "that Mom" with Ever Knight

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

I always swore I would not be "that Mom" that let her kids leave the house snot-nosed and in crazy clothes but you know what? I am. {See exhibit A, B and good old C for all the proof you need! Snot-nosed baby sure to be found in the stroller if the crazy clothes aren't enough!} It shocked even me to learn this about myself but usually I don't really care what my kids wear out of the house as long as it covers their bodies and no one is fighting! Some of the time I pick out their clothes for school but as soon as Ever walks through the door after preschool he strips down to his under-roos and changes in whatever suits his fancy for the afternoon. Lately he's all about pajamas, the snugglier the better because it's dipped down in the mid-60's here and us wimpy Wigs are freezing! He also loves costumes, always has, so often he's in one of those as well. It's pretty funny to see the reactions of other parent's/nanny's when we show up to pick up T after school but Ever Knight never seems to mind. And you know what? Neither do it. Turns out I'm that Mom indeed! 

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh out loud! Your case is proven! ;) The kids are blessed to call you mom!
