Sunday, March 31, 2019

Kids say, just today...

I used to be so much better about recording the hilarious and amazing things my kids say nonchalantly, but I'm not that great at it anymore. I'm not even good, darn it. Kids are so funny, aren't they? And it comes so naturally to them. They're still learning about words and the world and the way they form sentences and express thoughts and feelings makes me giddy with their innocence. Lately I've had so many times when they've said something and I think, I'll never forget this, or at the very least, I never want to forget this, but I do. I always do. And the family historian in me is devastated because this phase of life and motherhood is flying by and I need to remember every ounce of their little-person goodness before it passes. Today I jotted down a few of their funnies on the back of a church invitation and it's a start, I just love them so much.

Quinn, during our nightly prayer: Please bless that no robbers come and steal our car. Please bless that our boat won't sink. And I'm really sad that Jesus' cousin, John, died. 

Ev: Jesus is the best super hero in the world.

Me, last night at the BYU vs USC volleyball game: Coco, do you like the game?
Coco: Yes! I weawy wike da sparkawy ones! (The cheerleaders, duh!)

Me, to a new friend: I'm a stay-at-home mom.
T: No you're not! You're always taking us places and we're doing things. You never stay at home. You're an adventuring mom!

Family moment captured via selfie...

Family moment captured via friendly passer-by!

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