Monday, July 7, 2014

On days like today you ought to tell someone.

The free public pop-up pool in Brooklyn was our destination this morning. We swam and played in the sand box while looking at the gorgeous cityscape above. T made a friend named Jane and she let him use her goggles in exchange for his puddle jumper. It was a win-win I tell ya. When we were done, we walked along rocky Pier 2 back to the C train and looked at our home. It never gets old, that view. I was feeling mighty lucky in life during that moment, just thought I should tell someone.

Also thought I should tell someone about how the boys were in a heated debate during the full 30 minute train ride to the pool over where we were going. "We going to a new city, T. We going to Bwookwyn!" Everett excitedly said. And then Talmage rolled his eyes and said, "It's actually not a new city Everett. It's a part of New York City." And then Ev got huffy and said, "But we aw weaving Manahattan wight now. So we not hewe anymo." And then T said, "Yes Everett. We are leaving Manhattan and going to Brooklyn. It's a borough Everett. Do I need to teach you about New York City's boroughs?" And much to the amusement of everyone on the train, Talmage started lecturing Ever about how five boroughs make up New York City and yada, yada, yada (because that boy can lecture!) But as we took in our first views of Brooklyn after walking up way too many stairs at the High Street Station Everett's first sincere statement was, "Wow. Is beautiful. We aw in a bwand new city!" And the "HUUUUUUUUUHHHH!" huff that T let out made me giggle so hard I almost couldn't stop myself from falling apart. Night and day, those brothers. Night and day.

And one more thing I should mention, this time about the way home. She immediately caught my eye, that lady sitting across from us on the train. She was brushing her hair (or was it a wig?) and applying cherry red gloss to her big black lips. She caught my eye for some time before Everett caught hers, but man that little boy has a way into just about anyone's heart. She started yelling about how cute he was with a smile so wide you could see down her throat through the spaces where her teeth should have been. In true Ever fashion, he smiled back and was perfectly charming. T on the other hand started spouting out facts like, "Do you know women are called females? That means you're a female. Do you like being a female?" and normal small-talk like that! Pretty soon she yelled (and I mean yelled) to me, "Two boys. When you gonna have yoself a girl?" I smiled and pointed to my hiding baby bump and said, "She's right here!" Well, that just set her off. Before any of us knew it she was looking at the boys and belting out a little jingle, "You're gonna have a girl, she's gonna be in charge!" Lest you're thinking otherwise, just know she was singing LOUD and repeated that song over, and over and over again until she exited the train at 34th Street in route to a support meeting that started in five minutes. I guess she did stop singing a few times, mostly to ask me if I was finally done having kids now and to make the young man sitting next to her say she looked younger than 54, the age she'll be next month. But mostly, she just sang to us and danced a little and sipped something from a water bottle--water? maybe?

When we finally made it back to the 72nd Street stop T said, "Thank you so much for taking us to the Brooklyn pool!" and then under his breath I heard him humming the tune of, "You're gonna have a girl, she's gonna be in charge!" I have to admit that I was ridiculously amused, and it won't surprise me if I hear that song again a time or two--and somehow I don't think I mind. It was a normal and oddly magical sort of day today. Thanks NYC!


  1. Dear Wife,

    Did you know that you are the coolest thing on earth since the Polar Vortex? The smartest thing since the iPhone 5? The hottest thing since the Hot Pocket? I love your posts, and I am still THRILLED (even after all these years) to be your man.

    Love Jem

  2. I love reading your posts, your little boys make me laugh pretty hard every time. I love T's small talk about females!
