Friday, November 9, 2018

So much Halloweening

Here's the deal. What you are about to see is not organized or brief or perfect. What you are about to see is two weeks of Halloween events and utter chaos shoved into one post--published weeks and weeks after Halloween--because frankly I'm just too tired to do it any other way. And maybe busy too, sigh. 

That being said, Halloween this year was just so ridiculously fun in the most low-key sort of way that I'm excited to get these pictures on the blog for memory's sake. Cora was old enough to understand how awesome it is to knock on a door and be rewarded by candy for no other reason except for her cuteness and oh. my. gosh. it was so fun to watch. The boys are pros and kept reminding me about all of the fun traditions they couldn't wait to check off the list--decorations, check. Pumpkins, check. Chili with our BFF's, check. Gorging on candy while watching a Halloween movie, check. And Quinn, I mean, could Quinn be any cuter as a super hero and then a construction worker? Nope, she rocks our world! It was a good year to be a Wig, that's for sure. 

So without further adieu, this is Halloween. 

(At least the rare moments when my camera made an appearance!)

Let's start with a photo-series that will prove I don't always save the best for last:

 These pictures of Maxwell and Cora are almost too good to be true, don't you think?!

  Toddler party at the Sorenson's--always a good time.

 Trunk-or-treating Super Wigs thanks to Tataipu hand-me-downs and a generous dress-up box! This year was a no-buy Halloween, and we did good.

I almost expected them to run off in the Batmobile together. Or at the very least hijack a car from the trunk-or-treat! I love these blonde bombshells.

 Squeezing every last second out of those skeleton dresses.

 Pumpkins of choice this year: Quinny Cat, Garfield for T and a scary lantern for Ev. Coco stickered hers to death!

 Halloween play-school at our pad.

Crazy hair day for this crazy crew.

Cora was totally to blame for the Halloween morning costume change because heaven knows all she wanted to be was a princess all along. When Quinny found out that Coco was being Sofia it took two seconds before she was wearing her hard hat.  

 Palms Preschool Ring Pop Walk was a hit, and Quinny was being so helpful to her baby sister.

 2nd grade Halloween party FTW.

My four pumpkins with their four pumpkins ready for a night full of few tricks and a whole lotta treats.

In every single set of pictures I take, there are at least a couple with Cora looking adoringly at Quinny. They are lucky to be sisters and just so cute together...until Quinn takes the hammer and starts chasing after the poor baby.  

A hard nights work! This is the equivalent of a brown Trader Joe's bag filled to the very tip-top. Need some candy? You know where to find it!

Although this binge eating and watching tradition usually is a boys-only event, this year the girls somehow conned us into letting them stay up too. No one went to bed until way past 10 but it was a really fun night and the kids were all so good. They're growing up, and I adore them.

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