Monday, November 15, 2010

A few little randoms...

Jim saw this at the law school and may or may not have stolen it from the bulletin board because he knew how much I would love it. He was right. It made me majorly smile!

My friend Diana is having a baby so I brought her dinner and these baby cupcakes on Friday. At first I thought they were going to be cute, then I thought they looked like reindeer, but Jim said that they instantly knew they were babies when he dropped them off. Score!

My Dad is SO thoughtful and amazing. He called me up and said, "Hey, you have plans for dinner?" It was 3 pm and I still had no idea what I'd be cooking. He said, "I got it covered. It'll be there at 5!" He ordered chinese food...and LOTS of it. He knew all of my favorite items and you would not believe how happy I was ;) I couldn't even be bothered to take a civilized picture, I was to busy eating, eating, eating. Heaven!
When I said there was a lot of food, I meant A LOT of food. They included nine fortune cookies because they thought we must be having a party...and they were SHOCKED that it was just the two, well, three of us. I love the way my Dad works. Leftovers are the best. Thanks Dad. Loves!

1 comment:

  1. That is SO NICE of your dad! He's great... I can totally see him doing that. And I totally knew the cupcakes were babies without even reading that they were, so good job!
