Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Hobbling Unicorn

The night before Daddy's birthday, Everett took a big spill off of a chair in the kitchen. You know those moments that replay in slow motion in your mind--well, this is unfortunately now one of mine. He hit the counter pretty hard (and got a killer unicorn bump on his noggin) and sobbed in my arms for at least 40 minutes. I just thought he was tired and emotional but he didn't stop crying, and then he wouldn't let me put him down, and then I realized he could put absolutely no pressure on his right leg. At all! We watched him for a few hours and when it wasn't improving we took him to the ER. Luckily it wasn't broken, but there was a lot of fluid around his knee-cap and so at 1 am we were finally sent home with directions to carry him whenever he wants. Basically, Evie's dreams have come true and for the last 10 days he's been in my arms (or hobbling!) Hopefully he'll be 100% soon.

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