Tuesday, November 19, 2013

5 Pointz

The highlight of Talmage's trip to 5 Pointz was getting to take the 7 train, because you know Talmage and trains. Never mind that we were visiting Queens, seeing remarkable soon-to-be-obsolete street art and a killer view of the city, he was thrilled that he could mark another train off of his bucket list. That kid knows his stuff. When we were somewhere under the East River he told one of our friends that he wanted to see Newsies for his birthday and she told him he should take the 5 train to see it since he'll be turning 5. Oh no she didn't! He kindly and confidently reminded her that, "Um, da 5 train actua-wy doesn't go to Times Square where Newsies is showing on Broadway. I'll probably just take da 1,2,3, or maybe da C." If she just would've spent a few hours studying the Subway map she would have known that ;)   
5 Pointz has been called the "graffiti mecca of the world" and it lives up to that title. The building is completely covered in street art, and not just the typical tagging you see on tunnels or bridges--these are masterpieces. Supposedly you have to audition and be approved to paint on this building, and it shows. Sadly, 5 Pointz is being torn down at the end of the year and will be replaced by high rise apartments so I'm glad we went to see it before it's too late.

POST-EDIT: 5 Pointz was painted over today. All of those amazing art pieces are now just white-wash. Wow...is it kind of corny that my heart is seriously sad?

T was thrilled when he saw that Sister Weinberg (the new Primary President) was joining us on our outing. His first words to her were, "I'm going to play with you all day long!" and that kid never lies.



Look at how tiny those boys look compared to that light bulb guy! This place is massive.
 Heck, look how tiny I look next to that caged elephant!

Yep, going to 5 Pointz was definitely one of the coolest things I've done in a while. When we got home and showed James the pictures he just shook his head and said, "Wow, what a crazy and unique upbringing these boys are having." I took that as a compliment ;)

5 Pointz is really close to the Pepsi sign on the East River so we had to go check it out. While the boys played at the playground, I oohed and ahhed at that landmark and happily enjoyed this view:

 Why hello Chrysler Building, Empire State Building and United Nations. How are you doing today?

 And remember T's promise to Sister Weinberg? He definitely made good on it, bless her heart!


  1. How did those boys get to be so tall? T especially. We miss you all...

  2. Totally awesome artwork! Why did they white wash it? Do they do this often and let the artists start over?
