Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Chocolate Celebration

Last Friday we learned that James passed the California BAR exam. Talmage's two comments were as followed: 1) Does this mean Daddy doesn't have to go to work anymore? and 2) So now Daddy's a real lawyer because before he was only a pretend lawyer? Our comments to his comments: 1) no, sadly. and 2) yes, but sadly he still feels like a pretend one!
On Saturday the boys and I decided to throw him a congratulations party at Max Brenner--a chocolate restaurant near Union Square. And yes, I said chocolate restaurant. T had chocolate pizza and Ever had a chocolate milkshake...for dinner. Because we party hard! James and I had real food, and then poached some of their desserts. Oh yeah, and then we brought home our own dessert too. Because it was a serious party, people!
I was a little nervous about bringing the kids to this place because it's nicer than our usual dining establishment (eh hem, 5 buck pizza) but the music is loud and the vibe is friendly and shoot, everyone's dining on chocolate so smiles are worn by all.

James and I went back and forth about what to order, but I ended up with the mac and cheese and holy Hannah, that was such a dang good decision. If you go there, try it. The end.

Talmage's pizza comet with an ice cream snowball, and gummy bears that survived only seconds after being placed before the kid!

Everett was ever-so-serious about his chocolate milkshake. I laughed really loud because the waiter said that the portions were not very large. Ha! Yes, that's Ever with his tiny little milkshake ;)

After having dessert for dinner, and ordering dessert for later, James was treated to a celebratory dessert at the restaurant. That waiter, boy did he deserve a big old tip (and got one!) He brought James a piece of chocolate with a candle and the boys and I sang a rousing "Congratulations to you" to that lawyer of ours. Proud is an understatement--that James is something else and we are so lucky he's ours. And you know, all four of us worked our individual tails off for that degree (and that BAR) and that celebration did a family good!

Parting was definitely sweet, sweet sorrow this time. We love you Max Brenner, and you too James!


  1. Most importantly, does this mean the west coast gets the Wiggintons back? Even if we wouldn't be in the same state, I think I would feel better if we were at least swimming in the same ocean:-) Love and miss you Wiggs, and congrats on another big milestone!!

  2. Congratulations!! Team effort that one!
