Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My babies today

All three of my chickens now sleep in the same roost. That's right, because what the boys' tiny, little, itty, bitty room needed more than anything was another piece of furniture! So Quinn is now sleeping in a crib and the boys in their bunk beds and they love being squished into that room together more than you can even imagine. Luckily the boys aren't bothered by an occasional cry and Quinn's not bothered by an occasional giggle and so heck, so far so good. Who knew 5 people in 480 square feet could be so comfortable!

Things are changing so quickly around here, mostly in the Quinn department. Not only is she sleeping in her own bed in the big kids room, but other than an 11 pm dream feed she is sleeping through the night like a champ. When and how that happened I have no idea, but hallelujah!!! And her personality has done a complete 180. Just two weeks ago I would have described Quinn as, well, sensitive and particular and just a lot a bit hard. But now? She sleeps and smiles and loves to lie on a blanket watching her brothers play superheroes and watching me pop in and out of the room while doing chores. She only cries for a reason and she's finding fewer and fewer reasons to mourn which means her gummy grin is now becoming the norm. Gosh Quinn, you are just so delightful!

Anyway, all these changes have made me itchy to put the brakes on time because even though they're all good changes, I just can't stand to think about all of my chickens getting so big, so fast. Just ask Everett, he's "fwee and a half" and Quinn is going on four months, and my oldest baby is going to be six in like point two seconds. AHHH!!! So today I pulled out the real camera and took some pictures of my babies. It's January 7, 2015, and these are my little loves:

 Ever Knight, with his post-lunch peanut butter chin and cowlicks covering that sweet noggin.

 Quinny-Girl, who smiles with a mouthful of tongue and thinks her Mama is the funniest person on the planet.

And Mr. T; I think this kid looks 16 in this picture and he had to tell himself joke after joke in order to give me a normal smile!


  1. Ok. Your kids are SO STINKING CUTE. Seriously, you should start looking for a really big stick b/c 10-15 years from now you'll need it to beat off all of the girls/girls/boys who will be knocking down your door trying to ask your kiddies on dates. Get ready..... ;)

    1. do we go about setting our kids up in 15 years :)

  2. Oh my goodness, T looks huge!! I just told Justin the other day that i could forever have a 4 month old.... I do believe it is the beginning to the best stages!!

  3. Oh hi there! Your children are so precious! My name is Katie Wigginton and I'm all the way down in Alabama. I was doing a search of our mutual last name and stumbled upon your blog! Just dropping by to say Hello fellow Wiggy!

    1. No way! My husband's younger sister is named Kate, so there is actually someone with your exact same name in our fam! So happy there are other fabulous Wiggy's in the world...keep in touch!
