Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Eating my words (and a snow cone)

The day before my Ever Knight was set to take a field trip to the LA Zoo I got an email from his teacher asking me if I'd like her to pre-order an adult ticket for me. Uhhhh....well.....I hadn't planned on going because didn't I just write about my new one field trip policy? But alas, she said she'd like me to go (and she also said I could bring Quinn as my plus one) so that is the very short version of how just a couple weeks after setting my field trip rules I am already eating my field trip words. Turns out they're terribly delicious!

Being at the Zoo with my youngest two (and a half) was such a delight. Ever had his map and set out to see the giraffe's and after seeing just about every other animal in the zoo (and back-tracking maybe five thousand times) we finally saw them! Quinn growled at them, as she did every other animal, and made all the preschoolers giggle themselves into a fit. We saw a black bear and monkeys and flamingos and an anteater, but Ever's favorite animal by far was Reggie the Alligator who came to the zoo in quite an interesting manner. Let's let Ever Knight tell us about that:

"So dere was dis guy and he wanted a pet so he went to da store and said, "Hmm...I don't want a dog, I don't want a cat. I know! I want an awigator!" So he bought one and named it Weggie. But den one day Weggie snapped at him and he thought, "Maybe this was not a good idea." So he took him to a pawk and put him in da lake. But do you think dat was vewy good? No! So someone called the zoo and they came and picked up Weggie. And you know what? Dat guy had to pay a wot of money for the mistake he made! So what we wearned here is dat awigators DO NOT make good pets!"

Ever's story-telling skills are top notch, and I admit I chuckled like a 7th grader every time he said Weggie! So, now that I've been to back-to-back field trips all bets are off. Maybe just plan on seeing many a field trip post in the future!

The benefit of having your Mom come on the field trip is when everyone else is getting on the bus you can sneak off for a snow cone and one last glance at the birds before jumping in the van for a smooth ride home. Lime and cherry for the win on that snow cone!

Ever's cute class and another pre-k class from his school.

Quinny was a blast to have along and as always loved to be hanging with the big kids. She's such an adventurer and I love to watch her explore.

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