Friday, November 1, 2019

More lessons from the Run-rise


On Saturday morning I was struck by the sky. I counted my steps, my breaths and my blessings as I ran an easy four with friends, and the life lesson painted by the sunrise definitely made the list.  

As usual, we arrived at the beach when the world was still enveloped in darkness. In a perfect world we could run mid-morning followed by a leisurely brunch, but as it is we are lucky to shower our sweaty bodies after an insanely early work-out before racing to soccer games, STEM camps and birthday parties. Saturdays, amiright?

We had just passed the pier and clocked our first mile when I noticed a change on high. On my right I found night's remaining darkness. It was black, blue and heavy. Dark and moody and difficult to decipher; there were shadows and silhouettes but no sureties. 

And then I looked left and was met with bright morning light and hope. Yellows, pinks, oranges, happiness. It was glitter on the Santa Monica mountains and steady waves at sea. It was soft sand rippled by the breeze, and birds stretching out on their first morning flight. It was peace.

The darkness and the light were in the same sky, important parts of the same story, and made me consider how often this is the case in my life. I'd like to believe that my life will be as expansive as that morning sky and even when things seem darker than usual and confusion abounds, brightness is rising nearby in all it's glory. The darkness is not the enemy, but there's also hope in knowing that it's not forever.

Thank heavens for the sunrise.   

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