Friday, March 11, 2011


Mr. T is officially two years old today.
We've had two full years of those big brown eyes, that mischievous smile, his stronger-than-crazy spirit and his never-ending energy.
We sure are lucky!
This little monkey spent his birthday climbing bananas at the park (chain stairs that lead to the slide), popping bubbles that Daddy blew, playing ring-around-the-rosy at least 100 times with Mom, singing happy birthday to himself over and over and eating...oh, how we love to eat! We made it through the day with one picture from the park (as seen above) and a million pictures of mealtime!

He had a strawberry ice cream cone for his birthday treat after dinner (we put a candle in it, but he wasn't loving it. Hopefully his cake tomorrow doesn't freak him out!)

And we went to the Pizza Chef for dinner where he scarfed his slice of white pizza!

For breakfast Daddy stayed home and we had cini-mini-rolls, eggs, fruit and orange juice.
I think he ended up eating 6 cini-minis, maybe more. He loved them and would say, "More, more, more cookies please!" That's right...I feed my kid pure sugar for breakfast.
I'm always just a little bit sappy on T's birthday. There are so many memories and emotions related to his birth that I replay over and over in my mind. Needless to say, we are so lucky to have him, and we're so glad we got to keep him. He's fiery and awfully stubborn, but in difficult moments I try to remind myself that his willful spirit kept him alive when the odds were slim. He brings so much laughter, joy, comfort and direction to our family.
Our little Talmage boy is two, and we are too excited!


  1. Happy Birthday to the little man! Wow you've had an eventful month- so glad your mom was able to go out there to take care of you.

  2. He's getting so big! And no wonder. Just look at that huge slice of pizza! I miss NYC. Can I stay at your place for awhile?

  3. Happy birthday Talmage! Love, Kate and Addison :)

  4. Happy Birthday little T! Can't believe he's 2 already. Where has the time gone?

  5. TWO? He's two? I can't even imagine little Talmage talking like crazy and riding bikes. Wasn't he just 7 months and learning to crawl? Well, he's darling! The Lewises miss the Wiggintons!

  6. Ahhh, this made me get all teary eyed. So glad that he had a super fun day with his two wonderful parents! Love to you all!
