Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Before Bacteria Ruled My Life

Before my two-week brush with death (at least that's what it felt like), T and I were having fun and life was lookin' good. We were getting back into our New York routine, and being happy! Here are a few things we were up to:

T the Sous Chef
T and I whipped up some pink rice krispy treats for Valentine's Day, and T was a great little helper!

T stirring.

T eating.

T rummaging through my candy stash.
Cookie Bouquet
My mom sent us this "it's a boy" cookie bouquet and it brightened up our apartment! Not only was it cute as can be, but the cookies were absolutely delish. Fun!

T's Total Hat Obsession
Talmage is constantly coming out of his room wearing a different hat. He LOVES his top hat from a tea party he attended over the summer, and wears it all the time. What a doll!

We went to China town with some friends to celebrate Chinese New Year. It was fun for me to walk around and see all the chinese signs, but T wasn't a fan of the sub-degree weather, as is evident in the photo below.

Although he was already double/triple layered, he was using his best opera voice to let all of Chinatown know how miserable and cold he was. Before we knew it, all three of us mom's had stripped off layers of our own clothing to help him warm up. He had Melissa's arm warmers on his legs, and Catherine and my scarves draped around him like a blanket. Before long, the screams turned to snores...thank goodness!
Here are the three little rascals enjoying their suckers from a chinese store. I love these kids!


  1. I'm so sorry you have been sick. You look darling and tiny! Seriously when I am 21 weeks I am much bigger. We are right behind you. I am 14 weeks - it makes me think of the good ol days in Provo with lifesavers. love ya.

  2. Ha ha! When I realized that T had arm warmers on his legs I literally laughed out loud. If he isn't spoken for in marriage, I know a really cute one year old little girl. Just saying.
