Friday, April 8, 2011

Signing Time

The Signing Time videos have been a staple in the Wiggy home since T was born, so when Melissa decided to start a signing class with a similar curriculum we were all in. We have been attending this weekly class for months now, so I decided it was about time to do a little documenting. This week's class was on friends, playing and sharing...all important concepts for T to remember (and hopefully apply!) Melissa always has an activity for the kids, and this week they were supposed to draw a picture of either a happy or sad face. They were so excited to draw the picture, and then SUPER proud to show it off to the rest of the class. Little Mr. T takes his coloring responsibilities very seriously. He would pick out specific colors, and sometimes do trades with other children.

That being said, he doesn't always color what he's supposed to color! He informed me that the circle on the right is Daddy, and the line on the left, that's Kate. He's been quite the artist lately, and he can always tell me who he's coloring. I love his imagination.

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