Wednesday, August 17, 2011

T says the darndest things

At the table eating corndogs for lunch. Talmage takes the hot dog out of the breading and holds it up to his chest. "He's eating," he tells me. Then he says, "Oh widdle widdle hot dog. You hungy? You drinking your milk?" Yep, T was nursing the corndog!


T is obsessed with binoculars these days. On our walk the other day I told him that he had to ride in the stroller until we found some sidewalk. Next thing I know T had whipped out his binoculars and was "searching for sidewalk." Gosh, with those binoculars he's got going on I'm sure he sees things way better!


T: I hungy.

Uncle Chase: Well go eat your corndog. It's at the table. (And side note, there are two corndog stories here but I swear we don't eat them everyday...just every other day!)

T: Uncle Chase, what are my options?

Uncle Chase: You don't have options Talmage, that's dinner.

T: Yes, I have options Uncle Chase. It's the rule.


T is talking like CRAZY and says new, hilarious things everyday. I can't believe how smart he is and what he picks up on. He has picked up on that too, in fact. This morning he said, "I so smart Mommy? I your favorite T ever?" I love that little kid!

1 comment:

  1. I think T is bound for law school like his dad. You heard it here first...
