Sunday, March 4, 2012

All Quiet on the Wiggy Front

For the last six weeks we have been on house-arrest while Everett (and his cheerleaders) have worked on recovering from his heart surgery and all that came with it--pain and soreness, meds, vocal cord paralysis, extreme eating issues, weight loss...and then gain!, sleeping problems and more. Feeding is our biggest chore, with little Evie clenching his jaw together and refusing to open for a spoon a bottle or to nurse. Many tears have been shed--mine and his--and many prayers have been said as we struggle to beef this baby up. I will admit, being exausted does not help the situation and time and time again over the last six weeks I have felt desperate over how difficult simple things, like eating and sleeping, seem to be.

Add all the at-home recovery with frequent visits to the cardiologist, pediatrician, ENT and a few other doctors and life has been busy, and yet simultaneously quiet. The farthest we've ventured from our home is the courtyard (besides our doctors visits) so that we can protect Everett from all the germs and bugs that Winter offers--although I must say that these California winter's are heavenly! And while we are SO blessed to have an incredible backyard (courtyard) full of friends and bikes and swings and all things fun, I am looking forward to eventually easing my way back into mainstream life. I miss playdates and museums and taking my boys to the store. I miss field trips with T and feeling like I have control over what we can do. In Everett's 8 months he has been on some sort of extreme lock-down for 6 of them, and I'm just excited at the thought of feeling free to go where we please. I am nervous that I will always be a tad socially-awkward about germs and sickness and keeping my kids safe, but maybe it'll fade away with time (just like Everett's scar) or maybe it will be the new me. Who knows.

But while we wait for flu season to officially pass, and for our cardiologist to give us a prescription back into public, we are left quietly enjoying our time at home. Reading books, making treats, watching shows, going on walks, planting seeds and riding bikes. I know that things won't always be all quiet on the Wiggy front, so I'm trying to enjoy it now.

One of T's many boo-boo's from the last week. Our policy is no blood=no band aid and let's just say that we've used many a band aid lately. After getting a big bonk he usually cries for a few minutes and then gets so excited (a whimpering excited) over picking a Cars band aid for his owie! This kid is really growing up...but more about that this week--HIS 3RD BIRTHDAY WEEK!!!

Talmage and Cedar-girl reading to each other on Dr. Seuss' birthday. I had pulled out all of our Dr. Seuss books and they sat on the couch reading together for such.a.long.time. It was awesome.

And here's our little sun-baby. Such a sweet little kid who LOVES the sunshine and will sit on a blanket and watch the big kids play forever.


  1. Has there ever been/will there ever be a more beautiful little boy with a more beautiful smile than little Everett? My goodness! Hang in there....flu season is almost over, right? You always have such a good/grateful attitude about life. It was good for me to read this post. I must you really miss taking them to the store?

  2. Love that California sunshine, it makes for such great pictures of our sweet little boys!
