Thursday, January 14, 2016

Sick babies

I was hoping that the warm California weather would mean that our winters full of sickness were a thing of the past. But ya'll, we've been sick since the end of October with no relief in sight. I sob-storied a few weeks ago on here about how sick we were at Thanksgiving and now I'm here for take-two (haha, jk, no selfies of me crying this time!) Seriously though, Quinn barfed her way through our Christmas vacation and what I thought was a mega-flu ended up being an ear infection from Hades that was throwing off her equilibrium, and thus making her throw up. Her antibiotics finished up yesterday and she's feeling so much better so it's only right that we were in the doctor this morning with T who has had a raging fever and sore throat for days. He has strep, so 10 more days of meds are in our future. Winter as a Wig is wonderful, don't you think?

This is sicky Quinny right after she barfed in the Grapevine on our way home from Sacramento and the next day as I was forcing her to drink Gatorade and eat Goldfish. She wasn't all that excited about either, but the hat she loved!

My poor Talmage was really sick. This kid is the energizer bunny so it was very clear that something was terribly wrong. Yesterday he didn't leave the couch at all and when he did for short periods of time it was ugly. I hope the medicine kicks in fast and he's feeling better in no time. (And I hope that no one else in the family catches it...yuck!)

If anyone else in the family does catch it, however, it will be Quinny who won't leave her brother alone! She is a feisty little instigator and loves to get on her brother's nerves. Just yesterday there were at least 5 times she had Talmage in tears because she was purposefully doing something she knew bugged him (and believe me, you can see it in her face and her naughty smile, she knows what she's doing!) She was climbing on him, screaming in his face, stealing his treats, turning off the TV, jumping on top of him and then pretending to cuddle while he sobbed--honestly that girl is trouble! She's lucky she's so cute!

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