Saturday, January 23, 2010

Excuses, Excuses

It's been more than a week since I last blogged. I have an excuse, and it's a good one.

I'm a picture person. I don't read blog entries unaccompanied by pictures, and I wouldn't expect you to either. I'm smart enough to know that most of you only check the blog because you want to see pictures of Talmage. I don't blame you, he's cute.

But I couldn't deliver this week (see below for reasons). So, it's all your fault. How's that for an excuse. :)

I mentioned that our trusty camera broke hours before our trip to Paris. Well, it is currently on its way to some repair centre in Texas (pray that the good people of Panasonic will honor the warranty and we will have a fixed camera in no time...for free!)

Anyway, in the mean time we are using a friend's old camera...and until yesterday I didn't have the cord to upload the photos.

But now I have it.

So I'm back to blogging, welcome back to me.

Happy 800th birthday Cambridge University!
We went to the coolest light show in the city centre for FHE. They projected awesome images onto the colleges and we really enjoyed it.

Does that look like a baby who just had a shot?
Talmage was so brave when he had his swine flu shot. The nurse said he was one of two children she had all day who didn't cry...he mostly just stared at her in disgust! It was hilarious.

Sticker for the big boy.


  1. I want you to post the naked baby pic....I LOVE THAT PICTURE :)
    Thanks for posting again, I've missed it! LOVE YOU!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ok, where are the Adam and Eve pics?
