Saturday, June 12, 2010

May Bumps

Cambridge might be home to some of the greatest minds in the world, but I think it's about time someone bought them a calendar. On Friday, JUNE 13 we walked down to the River Cam to watch MAY bumps (AKA civilized bumper boats). Supposedly there is reason to their madness, like students studying for exams in May, but why not just call it June Bumps? Oh well. Since no one asked my opinion, May Bumps it stays.

The boats (each college in Cambridge University has one) start a few seconds apart, with the first boat rowing like heck away from the next boat. The second boat rows like heck from the third, and so on. If a boat bumps the one in front of it, they both pull over to the edge of the river. The bumper goes up in the standings, and the bumpee goes down. It's pretty entertaining, and since it's been occurring anually since 1827 (yep, before California was even a state) I'm guessing the three little Wiggy's aren't the only people who think so.

When a boat bumps another boat, the bumpers get to put shrubbery in their hair or clothes or wherever they want. I guess it's their way of making the bumpees green with envy. Ha!

Talmage was not about to let us put leaves or grass in his hair, but of course he ate both leaves and grass. When does the eat-everything-I-see-even-if-it's-totally-nasty stage end? Hopefully soon. We loved sitting by the river to be entertained, and luckily the weather cooperated. Happy May Bumps everyone...and happy June!

1 comment:

  1. What a funny holiday! A little twig in the ponytail sounds fun!
