Wednesday, August 11, 2010

NYC, Just Got Here This Morning

Truth be told, we actually arrived in NYC about five mornings ago...but that title is for you Ash!

After a fairly uneventful red-eye (minus the thunderstorm we flew threw, the plane was rocking up and down and side to side and Jim saw lightning out the window) we landed at JFK and started heading in the direction of our new home. After visiting Columbia's housing office and signing our new lease, we were official! We settled in (as much as we could without any of our stuff, which the movers promise will be here next Monday, sheesh) and are having so much fun getting to know our new area.

WE (heart) NY!


  1. I'm so jealous! I want to visit NY so badly! T is going to be so well rounded. :)

  2. Ahh california time was over so quickly xx I hope that the Three Wiggy opera will open to delighted New York audiences in no time xx Enjoy this part of your adventure you three I know all who meet you will love you as I do xx

  3. hahaha.... I really do love that song :) We miss you guys so really need to get on Skype soon!!
