Monday, June 27, 2011

A Date, A Parade, A Movie and A Mess

A Date:I went on a date with this handsome guy (my dad) last week to a delicious Thai restaurant. I LOVE Thai food, and the company was even better!

A Parade:

We went to the local 4th of July parade in our area and T sat through the whole two hours. He loved the cars (especially the red one that looked like McQueen), the horsies, the train and the firetruck.

A Movie:

We went and saw Cars 2 on Saturday and sadly (very sadly) we were disappointed. T's level of obsession for the first Cars is out of this world so we've been watching the trailer for this one for months. It was not as authentic as the first one, was too action-y, and didn't have the sweet message (or music) like the first. Oh well.

A Mess:

This is our living room right now. Yep. Awesome.


  1. Oh Heather... You call THAT a mess? Just wait til you have 2 little ones creating disaster together! I think a messy house means that we all had fun playing together that day and I wasn't more worried about keeping a clean house rather than playing with and enjoying them :) Ethan didn't really follow Cars 2 either. Can you believe that I still haven't seen Cars 1?!

  2. Fun fun fun! So fun to catch up and see everything you have been up to. I can't wait to see your little one when he arrives. I will probably be checking daily until you post it :0)
    How's the internship coming?
    Hope all is well.

    Much Love and Best Wishes for a perfect delivery!
