Friday, September 19, 2014

A Pirate's Life for Me, and Ev

I'm kind of in a feel-bad-for-the-second-child chapter of my life because let me tell you, Everett has done a whole lotta been carted around lately. Somehow our lives are revolving an awful lot around that first child, what with school and soccer and piano and such and Ever Knight, well he's along for all those "quick, we're going to be late" hop in the stroller and run like mad kind of rides. And since our days are so packed around school hours, we need every second of the mornings to just get things done--and then there's the whole I'm making him nap WAY earlier than normal because, again, we gotta be on brother's schedule and usually I end up having to wake him up anyway. Sigh. We're still learning the ropes I guess. But that sweet Ev, he really has been a champ (while missing his brother horribly, tears people) so today I decided to buck up, buttercup and take him on a date for donuts. Free donuts at that and in costumes to boot. Yes, it's Talk Like a Pirate Day again and good old Krispy Kreme did right by us for the second year in a row. Last year the boys dressed up together but in the absence of T, Ever begged for me to dress up with him. Ever wondered what a 9-month-pregnant pirate looked like? Well eat your heart out with that picture. ARRR!!!

For the record, I bought that pirate costume at a thrift store for $5 in the Bronx when T was 19 months old and it has been worn every single season since. Now that is $5 well spent. Also I should mention that the manager at Krispy Kreme remembered us from last year, and even asked where, "the other boy was." Sniff. Tear. At school. She gave us tattoos for Ev and T, a bouncy red balloon, two dozen donuts for dressing up, and when she saw Everett marveling at their special pirate donuts she gave him one of those as well. She also said she was excited to see us next year with a baby pirate in tow. Gold star, that manager, a gold star should definitely go to her. Everett was in attention-heaven and loved that everyone was looking at us. And yep, as we walked through Penn Station pretty much everyone was looking at us! He also made a rule that we were only allowed to speak in pirate voices while we were dressed up, so we made quite the adorable scene on the C train. I love that little pirate and was so glad we could share such a fun, special morning together!

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