Monday, September 1, 2014

One month from today...

If everything goes as planned, our little miss will be "popping out" exactly one month from today. Popping out is not exactly how I would describe having your body cut in half in order to deliver a baby, but that's what makes sense to my boys, so "popping out" it is! We have a paper chain to count down the days, her itty-bitty bassinet is set up by our bed (and it fits! hallelujah!), and this tiny little house is full to the brim with excitement to meet her. Excitement in my case is manifesting itself through swollen fingers and an angry back, but believe me, a very happy heart as well. She really couldn't find a home that would love her more, we feel so ridiculously blessed.


  1. The twins were born October 1, 3 years ago. It's a good day when a baby is born on the first day of the month. Also, can I just say I'm ridiculously jealous of your belly that looks like mine did at 13 weeks with #4?! Totally not joking either. I'll text you the pic if you want. Good luck with everything!!

    1. Hooray for birthday twins! I'm glad my girl will share a birthday with yours! Um...fourth baby? I guess I missed that! Please send me the picture! And picture of your girls!

  2. Um, you are like the smallest pregnant person ever. I'm sure I'm not the first or even like hundredth person to say that. I hope the last month goes, well, as good as the last month can. Can't wait to see pictures of your sweet GIRL!

  3. Umm, are you really pregnant?! You look like you should only be 20 weeks. Yay for babies though. How exciting!

    1. Thanks D and K! I'm pretty sure the shirt is helping me out. Believe me...I'm getting bigger by the second!
