Friday, January 20, 2017

California Rain and Quinny Quotes

I love the smell of California rain. It's one of my favorite smells in the world--right up there with fresh cinnamon rolls baking in the oven and a Gerber-bathed baby. I also love the smell of onions and garlic sautéing in my new cherry red dutch oven and black sharpies on a school poster.

But California rain, nothing can beat it and no state or country can mimic the smell. As soon as cool rain falls on hot pavement my mind instantly travels back in a million directions and gives me an overwhelming feeling of peace, of childhood, of home. I longed for this smell every time we moved somewhere far and it's always the first thing I'm grateful for when we come back to Cali. This winter has been so different in Los Angeles because we've actually had rain--LOTS of rain--and although it makes school pick up the absolute pits, I breathe it in and can't help but feel immense gratitude that we've made this beautiful state home again.

 Other things I'm feeling grateful for today? These conversations with Miss Quinn:

Me: Quinny, please leave the boys alone. They're playing with big kid legos right now.
Me: Don't scream Quinny. You're not a baby, you're a big girl, so please use your words.
Q: I a big girl? I a kid?
Me: Yes! You're a big girl!
Q: {Walking out of the room} OK. I a big kid so I going to play legos with big kids. I play with Evie and T.

Me: Quinny, what's your full name?
Q: Quinny Isabel
Me: And what's your last name?
Q: Quinny Isabel.....Dot Com

Missionaries: We're going to watch this video, do you guys know who this is?
Q: Is Donode Twump?! {It was not Donald Trump!}

 ^^^I was sitting on the floor with Cora and before I knew it T was behind me massaging my shoulders. "That's what we call a sneak attack!" he said. Love that boy!^^^

^^^My blondies are obsessed with brushing their hair back after bath time so that they look like Malfoy. And Quinn lives in these ninja turtle jammies which Everett stole from the bag of clothes meant for Lincoln. Oh bother!^^^

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