Friday, January 13, 2017

Singing in the Rain

It's the middle of the afternoon and I'm sitting on my bed, cuddled next to a sleeping Quinn, enjoying the sound of the Classical music that lulled her to sleep and the rain beating against the rooftop. None of this feels normal--the nap nor the rain--but both bring so much peace and calm. I'm such a summer fan but also such a sucker for a heavy winter rainstorm. I'm also goo-goo for thunder and lightning, but today it's just heavy sheets of much-needed rain.

It's chilly as far as Los Angeles is concerned, we're hovering in the mid-50's, and we've had more rainy days in the past week than we've had the whole last year combined. Winter is such a novel thing when it's usually non-existent, and the kids have loved jumping through puddles, using umbrellas and generally just getting wet. I've had the heater on high, a daily pot of soup on the stove and today when Quinn was raging with exhaustion I knew the only answer was cuddles in Mama's warm comforter. She fought it for a second, but with Beethoven and Bach blaring in the background her eyelids grew heavy and she melted into her Daddy's pillow. Goodness she's feisty but watching her sleep I realize how little she is, and how much I love her.  I'm due to pick up the boys and four of their friends from school in 30 minutes, so with this post I will sign off in exchange for peacefully listening to the pitter patter and enjoying the calm before the storm.

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