Wednesday, October 3, 2018

At home with my Coconut

Every once in a while she'll ask, "Mommy, where's Kinny? I miss her!" but for the most part, she's caught on to how awesome it is to be my one and only during the day. And it's not one-sided. My three hours with Coco every morning are so easy and enjoyable and I feel so grateful for this precious time that we can spend together. She saves all her two-year-old drama for when her siblings are picking on her over-tired self in the afternoon, but the mornings are full of quietly playing princesses, cooking food in her play kitchen, magnatile creations in the living room, pushing around her babies in the stroller or just following me around from room to room saying, "What you doing? Why you do dat?" A little shy and quiet at first, it only takes a few second warm up before she's chatting your ear off and asking a million questions with her impressive vocabulary...and demanding well-thought-out answers in return! I can't believe my last baby is so big but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it. Cora is the greatest two-year-old I know and seeing her smart, inquisitive brain working hard and watching her good-natured and nurturing soul continue to mature is just the funnest thing. Plus, she's darling--so, ridiculously, deliciously darling. Those oft-messy pigtails and her squinty-eye smile is enough to make me want to clone a million more Coconuts! We couldn't be luckier to have finished our family with this amazing little girl.

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