Monday, October 1, 2018

Quinn's Birthday Interview

It's Quinn's birthday today and one of my favorite days of the year for that exact reason. October 1st is such a wonderful day to celebrate a birthday--new month, new weather and in our family, a deep breath since birthday season so it gets the attention deserved after such a loooooong wait. When we got to preschool this morning she looked at her friends and said, pointing to each one, "Four, four, four" before pointing to herself and squealing, "Four!!!" She's the baby of her bunch, and is so excited to be the same number as them. I'm excited for her too. I'm always excited for Quinny, it's hard not to be.

You know what else she said at preschool this morning? I was serving sprinkle donuts to her class, just like she requested, and I said, "I love you so much birthday girl." She wrapped her arms around my neck and said, "I love you more birthday mama!" Holy Hannah this baby girl sure has become a love bug lately. Do you remember how last year she threw a chair and shattered the front window on her birthday?! Well the only thing she was throwing today were cute comments. I don't know the first thing about wine but I do think I see a similarity between it's aging process and my Quinny's. She's getting better and stronger and smarter and somehow also softer and nicer each and every year.

Happy birthday Quinny Cat, Quinnalynn, Chicken Dinner, Quizabel, my little cheetah girl.

So much love for this birthday girl on her big day. 

It was Quinny's last day with Kobe and she was so excited to eat marshmallow cereal with him on her birthday morning.

I love that smile and sideways crown on my birthday babe.

Quinny has the greatest teachers and they make her feel like a star. 

I live for that thumbs up! 

And now for the best part of birthdays, THE INTERVIEW!


What is your favorite...

Color:  Purple and pink

Food:  Carrots, apple sauce and, I forgot what’s my nother good food I like. Oh yeah, it was strawberries.

Game:  Hm, sliders! We have that game!

Book: My giant princess book

Toy: My paw patrol ones

Treat:  Chocolate

Song: Twinkle little star

Thing to learn about:  Um, seeing in your body

Animal:  Cheetahs and lions

TV show: Hm, The Greatest Showman. And Batman (laughing), I already guessed Batman. Have you ever watched Batman? (she hasn’t!) Yep, yes, I watched it before.

Thing to wear: What was it again? Oh yeah, a long time ago I liked those blue big shorts. They were big and there were holes in them so we throwed them in the trash. They goed with my red butterfly shirt and I loved them so much. But then they got a rip, they ripped, so we put them in the trash.

Holiday: The Holiday that is coming up. It. Is. Halloween. There’s scary things in my class now. It’s very scary.

What do you want to be when you grow up?  Um, uh, a gardener. Or a doctor, fire worker and um, I want to be, oh yeah, I wanted to be Mickey Mouse.

If someone was being mean to your brother or sister, what would you do?  I would make them feel better so they don’t fight. I’d come over to them and say, “Shoo!” so they would just run away.
Who is your best friend? Annie, and Coco. And Coco! (laughing) And Coco, Mommy!

What is something you want to learn to do this year? I want to be nicer.  You’re a really nice girl, Quinny! Mm-hm, now when I’m 4 I don’t be mean. 
What is something that you are really good at? Doing my homework.

If you had a million dollars, what would you buy? I would buy a giant slide, with water, with water on the bottom. A water slide. A giant one, like this big. And I would go down, and it would be so fun!
If you were an animal, what would you be? I would be a cheetah!
What do you want someone to invent? A giant robot.
If you could have a magic power, what would it be?  Fly, hehehehe!

How many kids do you want to have when you grow up and get married?  80! (Laughing). Yeah, I just have to buy some kids. But where will I find kids? Belly! In my tummy! Or maybe my brain!
What kind of house would you like to live in: an igloo, a tree house, a castle, a cave, or our house? Our house, with 100 kids!

Who is the cutest boy in the whole world? You or you (pointing to T and Ever). I know, you (pointing to Talmage).
Where do you want to go on your mission?  Um, to a rainbow area. Yeah!

What's your favorite scripture story? Killing ones. Um, Jesus was coming and the Nephites were coming and they were big, and they were bad, and they killed Jesus.

How much does Mommy love you? 500

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