Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Kids say the darndest things, recently

Turns out if I want to do some afternoon reading all I have to do is ask Quinn to make me some magnatile shoes and I'm golden for at least a couple of chapters!

We were having people over from church and Quinn asked if she could make a sign for the door. Figuring it was going to be a welcome sign I agreed and asked her what she wanted it to say. Her answer? "Welcome to church. Jesus is dead but it's going to be OK." We settled on "Welcome friends!"

Me, overwhelmed at witching hour: Ever, can you please come help Quinn with homework. Can you be her tutor?
Ev: What's a tutor?
Me: Like a helper or a teacher.
Ev: Oh, I thought you meant I had to toot on her!

Me: Do you like it more when I call you Cora or Coco?
Cora: I like you call me Minnie Mouse.

Me, reminding the boys for the kazillionth time about the rules for walking to school by themselves: Do you ever get in someone else's car?
T: No...unless we hijack it!!!

Quinn, on seeing a squad car with lights flashing parked near Palms: Look, there's a police by my school. Maybe someone is bad at sharing.

Ev: Someday when I grow up I'm going to build a round house so that you can't send me to the corner. {It's been a rough week, ya'll}
Me: Heaven help me if we're still living together when you're old enough to build your own house!!!

Cora: I hungy, vewy vewy hungy!
Me: You are?
Cora: Yes, I a hungy, hungy princess. {No hippos for this diva!} 

Me, helping Everett with his math homework: Is this a subtraction problem?
Ev: No, you just have to plus it down.

Quinn, sharing a lesson from her picture scriptures during FHE and refusing to all me to help her read the words: This story is about a seed. It's good. The bad guys were cutting down trees. {Alma 32}

Me, to T who was at least 20 yards ahead of us the whole walk home from school: Hey Speedy Gonzalez, why don't you come walk with us?
T: I can't. Batman works alone!

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