Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sicky Eyes

Talmage is sick--can you see it in his eyes?
When we were young and ill, my mom would say, "Oh you poor thing, you have sicky eyes."
The past few days, my baby has had sicky eyes.
His eyes have not sparkled like they usually do.
There is no energy and excitement in those big brown beauties.
I don't blame him.
He has been running a high fever (102+). He has an ear infection.
He is coughing and sneezing and his nose is running.
He's exhausted but he can't get comfortable so he can't sleep.
He's hungry but he's shunning his solids, wanting to nurse for comfort.
We've spent our days cuddled on the couch (that's right, he's so sick he even lays his head on my chest...this is the first time it's ever happened) watching Baby Einstein and Bob the Builder.
Poor baby, I hope those sicky eyes go away soon.


  1. Oh the sicky eyes are so sad! Whitney got croup on friday night and she's had sicky eyes with dark circles, cough and no sleep ever since then. At least they will snuggle, right?

  2. That poor little baby, we wish you were close so that we could help out!

  3. Oh I hope he gets better soon too but enjoy those snuggle moments while you can!

  4. I've been meaning to comment on every single post so far! You guys look like you're having so much fun out there!! And Talmage is getting to be one handsome little man!! I'm sorry about the sicky eyes. I like that term though.. I think I will adopt it. :) So far, D hasn't gotten sick but when she had the first round of her flu shot, she got real fever-y and just wanted to snuggle and sleep on my chest. I felt so bad for her but I really loved the snuggles! :)

  5. I am so sorry he is sick. My favorite video of Kayta ever is when she was really sick and I said Kayta do you want some candy? She replied no way thank you I'm just fine. It melts my heart to this day.
    Such lovely posts, especially the one about a little bird. Heavenly Father blesses us through others so greatly.

  6. So we've officially gotten sick. :( And D has sicky eyes.
