Tuesday, October 8, 2013

All thanks to a nice person

Aren't nice people just so, well, nice.  
I'm not really shocked by the niceness of others because this world is just so good and so full of niceness, but every time I experience it first hand I sure am grateful.
Last week when we were at a restaurant with Noni and Grampa two ladies approached us and offered us their New York City Passes (they were visiting from Canada and wanted the bus tour, but not the rest of the package). Inside the City Passes were tickets for a boat cruise around Manhattan, as well as tickets to the Empire State Building. James has always wanted to go on the boat cruise, and T has been begging for us to go to the top of the "Pempire State Building." Our weekend was filled to the brim with fun all because someone was nice.
{I wish I knew who they were and could send them these pictures and a thank you note!}  
Our family of four heading out for the harbor lights cruise! 
We set sail at dusk and the views were breathtaking. Seeing the sunset and then watching the lights of the city start twinkling before our eyes was really special. The tour was nearly 2 hours long, and it was mostly a success (let's just remember it that way, ok?) Everett is my little home-body and sometimes forgets that adventures in the city are fun...but he was pretty good! 

This little tugboat was pulling a huge barge on the Hudson. Isn't it adorable?

Oh wow, that city is beautiful. And the lighting. And the boats. And the realization that we live here.

This tour was marketed as a romantic lights tour, and I can totally see why. I'm so glad we were able to make this work when James was not at work. 

The Brooklyn Bridge and downtown.

We spent the majority of the second hour outside, where we could see the city (and Everett's screams could be muted by the wind!) The weather was mild and ideal for a boat ride in October.

That little lady, up close and personal under the stars.

The next morning we made our way to 34th to visit the Empire State Building. There was also a Korean Festival going on down there, so the boys each got a balloon before we even entered the building. I am going to blame Ever's bad behavior on the fact that his balloon flew into the sky early in our day. It's either that, or I'm raising a monster ;)

For a second, Ev thought life might be ok on top of the Empire State Building. Seriously, how cool is that anyway?

It was a fuzzy morning, but still a remarkable view.

Talmage was a stud! The NY City Pass also included a free audio tour, and you better believe Talmage listened to every last second of it, and loved it. He'd say things like, "Wow Mom, there sure are a lot of museums in this city" and "Look, it's my favorite building--the Chrysler Building!" He's so big. All of this happened while James and I took turns taking a screaming Everett inside so as not to ruin anyone else's visit.

Talmage could have stayed at the top all day. But alas, Everett is his brother! 

This was the family picture the security guard took on our way down. His comment to Everett, "Kid, you just ruined your family's Christmas card!" Oh Ev!

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