Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wigginton's Love

A few weeks ago I attended back to school night for my boys on two consecutive Thursdays. Logistically these nighttime parents-only events are a little bit loco with James always at work and the kids always needing to do homework and go to practice, get ready for bed and eat (the nerve! haha!) but I'm always so grateful to be at their school, learning about what they're learning about and trying to let their angel teachers know how much we love and appreciate them.

I'm always impressed that even just a few weeks into the school year I can find their amazing artwork and written words covering the walls of their classroom. Four years into this formal education adventure and I still get a little emotional that my kids are lucky enough to attend school and better themselves. Not every child in the world has the opportunity and our good fortune is not lost on me. Anyway, here are a few of my favorites from that night: 

They've already learned so much this year and especially my little Ever Knight is shocking me with his wonderful writing. He's so proud of his words lately, but it doesn't hold a candle to how proud I am--I seriously have his school papers plastered all over our kitchen! I can tell that first grade will be a year of blossoming for him and I can't wait to watch him succeed.

T's work made me smile as well, but I must admit that the best and proudest part of my night in third grade came somewhat by accident at the very end of the event. I was walking through rows of desks en route to the exit when I looked down and saw T's name jumping off of the page. As I sat there and read the letter the newest member of the class wrote to his teacher I couldn't help but think, "Yes! This is who Wigginton's are! Wigginton's love others and always make them feel welcome!" Talmage had mentioned to me in passing that he sat by the new kid so that he would feel included, and it clearly made a big enough impression on this new friend that he mentioned T by name in his letter.

I want my kids to learn to read fluently at school, I hope they learn to write creatively and solve tough math problems, I wish for them a world of academic success and fulfillment but more than anything, I hope that they continue to love, respect and include the people around them. Wigginton's love, that's what I always tell them. We love people, we love parties, we love a lot of things (just fill in the blank) and I hope they will continue to learn at both home and school how important it is to emulate that love to others. Being a brilliant mind is second to having a good heart in my book, and I love that I saw T's goodness loud and clear that night.

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