Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Oakland Temple Open House

I'm always keeping it real over here so let's just say that this jaunt to northern California for the Oakland temple open house was not as magical as I had hoped it would be. James was working on a few different deals at work and what was supposed to be a four-day family vaca turned into a very short, very last minute and mostly stressful work trip. We spent almost 20 hours driving in 48 hours, so that should tell you something, and then there was lots of waiting at the Open House and no wifi and just, laid plans, you know? But you know what, we went. We tried. And sometimes success isn't measured by how much fun you had but in just living through something, with a smile on your face if possible. And I smiled guys! Success!!! 

But also on our way home Talmage said from the back seat, "I loved going through the temple, especially the Celestial Room, it felt really good in there." and I was like, ok, ok, all this craziness was totally worth it. The temple can provide so much peace and clarity, and I'm hoping my babies can gain a testimony of this holy place from a young age.  

This is where I was sealed to my parents when I was three, James was sealed to his parents when he was in High School, and both of us received our endowments before our mission. It's such a special place to me and I loved being back there with my kids.

I ran into two sets of friends at the temple and got SO excited!

The six of us (plus a baby doll that Cora wouldn't put down that weekend for a second).

Flower child.

I was so grateful to be there with our LA/SF friends. Love these besties!

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