Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Spring Sing with Mr. Harrison

Dear Mr. Harrison,

When we moved to Los Angeles from New York City four years ago the transition was harder than I had imagined it would be. Talmage had been attending a school on the Upper West Side that felt more familial than institutional and when we showed up in West LA, where the campus locked down after school and the parents sat in carpool lanes instead of gabbing around the playground, I felt a little lost and a lot alone. You, Mr. Harrison, with your megawatt smile and genuine interest in my kids were the one that made me think that maybe, just maybe, things were going to be OK. Talmage couldn't contain his excitement every time he came home after music class and after meeting you for the first time I understood why--you're like a magical, musical, warm and silly sunshiney day. Soon enough I was crying through Beatles concerts, we were laughing ourselves silly at Bedtime Story Jam, and when Everett started attending Westwood he was immediately welcomed with love and a silly inside joke or two. Both of my boys and their two little sisters adore you more than you'll ever know. Heck, you're basically a celebrity in the Wigginton abode, and my gratitude to you knows no end. Thank you for bringing music and laughter and joy into our family and for helping make Los Angeles home for us.

With Love, 

Heather, James, Talmage, Everett, Quinn and Cora Wigginton 

**Mr. Harrison left our school under unusual circumstances after 23 years years of faithful service. A few dedicated parents planned our annual Spring Sing to happen off campus, so that he could be there and direct our children. He really is the heart and soul of our school and my heart aches that he's gone. I wrote him the letter above, the boys both wrote him letters, we've signed petitions and given money to a gofundme. We love and support Mr. Harrison and wish him the best.**

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