Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Quinn as a four-year-old is just straight up perfection. Maybe it's because her first few years were a little nightmare-inducing but she just seems so interesting and fun and tame (in a really crazy sort of way) and I love her so much it hurts. It's the little things that get me lately: the fact that she sleeps every night with the baseball she got from the Dodgers game, her continuing love of Pokemon hats and construction worker vests, her inquisitive nature and endless questions. She's missing preschool so much lately and said, "I love school Mom because I like to learn all the things." She's a girl after her Mama's heart: learn all the things, do all the things, eat all the things. I'm grateful for Quinn always but I think I might be especially grateful for 4-year-old Quinn!  

My girls have never been the best sleepers, but luckily we're on a good streak lately (knock on wood). A few weeks ago Quinny had a bad dream and couldn't sleep and even though I was exhausted, I cuddled up in bed with her so that she could calm down. Something about her cheetah jammies and the way she was cuddling that baby cheetah and holding my hand gave me all the feels.

Quinny took BA to Buddy Day at school and loved showing her the ropes.

Preschool Recycle Robot

Mid-day cuddle on Bops' chair.

She rarely cries when she falls but always requests a picture of her owie, haha!

One step closer to her LAPD dream.

Always, and I mean, ALWAYS, in that tree.

Me: Quinny, what is going on in this picture?
Quinny: Oh, did you see my pirate smile?!
Me: Yep, sure did.

I see your true colors, shining through. I see your true colors, that's why I love you.

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