Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter Sunday...sort of

(Me and T in our Easter duds)

We decided to celebrate Easter a week early this year (we'll be out of town for the real deal) and it was so much fun spending time with amazing friends and eating good food! The original plan was to have the event on Sunday, but we ended up having an Easter Monday. Close enough, right? I made ham and funeral potatoes, Christa made delicious rolls, Mitch made the best ever coconut sticky rice with mangoes, we had veg and salad and shloer (kind of like Martinellis). We talked and laughed the night away. Our Easter Monday brought joy and love, friendship and hope, peace and clarity...all things the Savior offered all mankind on the first Easter holiday. I am grateful for Him always, but especially during this beautiful Easter season. Happy Easter to all!

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