Saturday, October 9, 2010

He's Lucky He Has a Cold

You see that smile on my face? It's fake.
Because you see that kid. If he's not going to be the death of me...I don't know what will. Talmage the Terrorist...that's been his name this last week.
You see, he has a cold, and boy he's lucky he has a cold because if not, the following terrorist attacks would have been treated with swift, well, swift something!

He was furious and he beat his cup into the ground so many times and so hard that it completely broke and milk splashed everywhere.
Ten minutes later, he tore out every single pop-up from his brand new Elmo book.
And this little number...ah man! He got onto the counter and grabbed a bag of candy I had just received from my grandparents...and he threw it all over the ground. And then started eating it.

But really people, look at those sicky eyes. Poor boy. He's lucky he's sick...and he's lucky he's cute...and he's lucky that his Mom is obsessed with him or, well, or something!


  1. Sick babies are the saddest things ever. Poor guy!

  2. Oh my goodness, I think you might have nick named his appropriately! Poor little guy, those pink cheeks and sad eyes. I sure hope he feels better quick!

  3. PO TOWMUDGE!!! I love that video though...hes such a sweet little monster :)

  4. we have to get grey hair somehow right? I think that's why babies are so cute...if not, they wouldn't live past the first few months :) Hope he's feeling better, and hope you get a break soon.
