Thursday, January 30, 2014

He's my Ham and Cheese

Everett seems to know that he's my baby. He can turn on the water works in no time and as he throws himself over my lap with "wo is me" dramatics I think, wow, this kid is just the cutest. Isn't that awful? I don't find his real naughtiness adorable at all, but let me tell you--these fake alligator tears he's been shedding lately are about to throw me over the I-want-to-eat-your-cuteness limit. And I'm trying not to encourage the bad behavior by giving him unnecessary attention during his sad spells, but seriously though, do you see that fake little grumpster face he's giving me in the above picture? You know, my Aunt Lee Ann used to have this dog that would pee all over the house and she'd "reprimand" him with a, "you little terrorist you" in the most endearing voice ever, and that dog knew that he had it made. And you know what, I'm starting to think that little Everett knows the same.  

I was showing him how silly a grumpster face actually is, and he was just surprised that I could copy him so well! Your mom's talented kid...and rather obsessed with that face of yours!

Sometimes I think Ever looks like an anime character. And other times I call him my little bobble head. Just in case you're wondering, both of those are meant as compliments. And I love that he smiles for the camera. Bless you little boy! 

"Hey Mom, I be wike Pepa. Take a pictcha!"


  1. GAHHHH he could get away with anything in my house! Love that face! And P.s. him and avers are seriously siblings. Love you E man!

  2. Yes, I agree. Mr. Ev is the cutest, and once those big brown eyes have batted themselves at you, you will be under his spell! And enjoy it! ;)
