Saturday, January 18, 2014

Santa Lucia

We took a time machine back to December so that we could celebrate Santa Lucia Day with Melissa and her girls. We were supposed to have a big party together on December 13th, but then her kids got sick, and my kids followed suit, and the holidays happened and so this week was the soonest we could make it happen, hence us in a time machine on rewind. In true Melissa fashion, everything was planned and executed with perfection. She made us a traditional Swedish lunch, read the kids a book about Santa Lucia, we ate saffron rolls and drank hot chocolate and they decorated gingerbread cookies. My favorite part was when all the children dressed in their traditional clothing (girls as Santa Lucia, boys as star boys) and marched in a parade around the apartment. And no big deal, Melissa made the boys' costumes, and then gave them to us so we can continue this tradition each year. If I had it my way, our babies would grow up as neighbors and we could always celebrate it together! She really is amazing. But alas, they've paid their Bronx dues and are heading back west this summer. Until then, we're going to soak up all of their goodness!  

I mostly spent my time cuddling Norah, who has gotten so big since I saw her last. Talmage is still awfully in love with this baby, and if he wasn't stuffing his face with cookies he was oohing and ahing over her! When we were riding the subway back home he started grumbling and when I asked him what was wrong he said, "I just really miss Norah already!"

Me and Norah, again! I'm not kidding people, I held her for hours and only gave her back when she needed to nurse. I really, really love that baby!
And then there's the sweetest Soph around! She is such a good little girl and so, so easy. Being in a home full of girls is always so much fun, and as soon as we leave we're looking forward to next time.


  1. Hello!!!! I did not even know you were back in NYC! So fun! To be honest, I am completely jealous! I think I need to come visit. Grant goes fairly often for work and I always want to tag along, but still waiting for that invite. Hmmmm . . . What a fabulous place! I was actually hanging out with Laura tonight (yes! They live here now! So fun!) and she mentioned you were there. It's so fun you have had the chance to hang out with Melissa and her cute family. Please tell her hello for us! Enjoy that amazing big city!

    Much Love to you guys and your sweet family!

    1. Catherine! I'm going to send you a fat, juicy email soon--it's been way too long. How is the baby? PLEASE post a picture or send me one soon! I can't believe that you and Laura are neighbors again. So fun! Love you guys and will send you more soon!!!
