Thursday, February 4, 2010


Monday was Christa's birthday.
We went to dinner, and our dear Mr. T screamed.
So, Jim took him home and I brought Jim a doggy-bag.
And thus it began.
Christa is not eating sugar in 2010, so Katherine and I made her fat free frozen yogurt and apple bread for dessert...beyond delicious. Happy Birthday to her!
Now back to the screamer.
Tuesday we went to the Zimmerman's in Ely.
He screamed, all day.
He screamed in the car to her house.
He screamed during nap time (poor Max couldn't sleep!)
He screamed during playtime, while eating snack, and in the car back to the station.
He screamed while I fed him on the train back to Cambridge.
And then he choked on his dinner, and I couldn't get him out of his seat, and everyone on the train rushed to see the commotion.
Mother of the Year Award was thrown out the window onto the train tracks.
By the time we met up with Jim, T was screaming...
...and I was crying.
Oh, what a day.
Yesterday me and the kid ran some errands.
While walking through the grocery store Talmage decided to start screaming again.
I must tell you,
the screaming to which I'm referring is not crying.
He's not hungry, sad, or uncomfortable.
His pants are clean, his feet are warm, and most of the time he's in my arms.
There are no tears with this screaming.
Nope, it's just for the fun of it.
And believe me, it's fun.
As I was carrying him through the store (and pushing his stroller full of groceries) an older store clerk said, "Wow, quite the set of lunges that little one has, huh?"
That comment was way better than the dirty looks everyone else gave me.
I couldn't help it, I started laughing.
Talmage looked at me, shocked at my outburst.
And then he screamed some more.
We were quite the scene.
Him screaming, and me laughing.
And now it's Thursday.
I'd like to tell you that there was no screaming today.
But there was.
T screamed most of the morning, and the afternoon for that matter.
Today I didn't cry, and unfortunately I didn't laugh.
Today, I was wishing (and sincerely praying) for communication skills to increase, and crazy screaming to stop.
I'll be honest, I was super frustrated.
Sadness, Entertainment and Frustration.
All from the screaming of an almost-one-year-old.
Being a mom has taught me, is teaching me and will continue to teach me SO much.
And just in case you were wondering.
His screaming is really, really, really


  1. awwww Heather.... Hang in there. Thankfully children have been blessed with phases and soon you will look back at this "phase" and wish this is what he was doing instead of the new "phase" =) I have been cursed with a lovely face that turns BRIGHT red when my children do things like that--- so along with screaming children that draws attention- everyone around me gets to look at a bright red mama too! =) Fun Times!

  2. I have a perfect idea, I'll trade you straight across for the teenager that lives in my home! :)Just kidding - Kelly's words of wisdom are very very true. I love you, you're a great mom!

  3. cosette started the screaming thing again. she did it a while back and now thinks it is hilarious to scream all the time. i hold her little ear tight (because I can sort of reason with her now) and tell her that she can't scream because it hurts mom's ears. if she doesn't stop after the warning i give her a little flick on the ear. i'm mean, but it works and saves my sanity and preggo-super-sensitive ears. i'm not sure how you reason with a baby though, so best of luck. we miss you in the US!

  4. Ethan did the same exact thing when he was Talmage's age. What did we do you ask? Oh, we were mean parents and would flick him right on the cheek anytime he would scream like that and then tell him why. He learned REALLY fast not to scream. It broke my heart to have to flick him but it was seriously the only thing that saved our sanity and actually worked. Good luck with that!

  5. Linc has been doing that and we sternly say no no. Then he cries like his feelings are so hurt. Its rough. Dont worry about the choking on the train and crying it public - I do it all of the time, minus the train. Its usually every Sunday 5 min after Sacrament meeting starts. Love ya. Good luck

  6. Didn't you know mother of the year is earned by having crazy things like that happen? Not by perfection, simply by life's craziness! I have awarded my self this prestigious award many times, one specifically when I sent Master B to school, on the bus, the day before he was supposed to go! Sweet!

    You're little guy is adorable and you are wonderful!
