Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Brown Eyed Boy

I could stare into those deep brown eyes all day long.
Oh wait, I do! I love my job.


  1. It's the most important job that you will ever do! Keep it up! Love you.

  2. Talmage is such a cutie! I can't believe how fast they grow up. It's crazy! That is kind of frustrating that doctors don't give advice. I definitely need it. My motherly instincts only go so far. They did tell me that he can have everything now though. Honey, nuts, milk, the whole shebang. I will probably just give Tyson peanut butter, not actual nuts yet though because he doesn't have the teeth to chew them yet. Hopefully that helps. I just love reading your blog. I think you have the cutest posts! Hope all is well with your cute little family!

  3. Hey! I've got a darling little brown-eyed girl that would go nicely with him! Just sayin'....
