Sunday, April 29, 2012

New Camera Love

James got us a new camera for our anniversary. He never cared much about our old camera (which has been slowly dying for the last few months), but since he spent so much time researching and plotting the anniversary surprise he is suddenly very interested.
I mostly just want a camera to take cute pictures of the kids. Especially cute pictures that aren't overly fuzzy...and preferably ones that don't have a giant smudge in the middle of the screen.

I also like to capture the random moments. Like when T and Bryce marched around the courtyard with cones on their head. 

James is suddenly becoming super artistic. I will find random pictures of pine cones and buildings on the camera. I love it!

1 comment:

  1. It's seriously about TIME you got a new camera girl!! I'm so glad for you! What kind did you get? And I love that James is discovering his artsy side. :)
