Friday, January 19, 2018

Everett Knight

Last week I went on a field trip with Everett and his first-grade friends. We rode the metro from Culver City to Santa Monica and then we got off, made a little loopty-loop around the station and got back on a train headed for Culver City. So no, it wasn't the most thrilling of field trips, but what was thrilling? Spending the morning with my sweetest little man.

Something I particularly love about Everett is how much he loves me. I know this sounds selfish or prideful and don't get me wrong, there are a million other reasons why I love this boy, but despite him getting taller and older and some of his friends shunning their parents he is still very much content with holding onto his childhood and being my baby boy. He still loves to cuddle on the couch and he won't turn down a story or a back scratch but what's most special to me is that he loves me to be around him with all his friends, he wants to share his world with me. He begs me to go on every field trip with him, he loves it when I'm a guest in the classroom and he can't stop telling everyone how I'm coaching his basketball team. "That's my mom and I'll call her mom, but you can call her Coach Heather because she's the coach, ok?!" he says to his ten teammates with his signature Evie Knight grin. There's something so refreshing, so invigorating and so comforting about being loved by a pure little person, and Everett Knight is the greatest at delivering that gift.

On that same field trip last week one of Ever's friends said to him, "I love your mom. Do you love your mom, Everett?" and without even thinking and without even considering there was another option he said, "Of course I do!" and I smiled so big, because having a lovey son like Everett is like living in a dream.  

^^^They had no money, nor any idea what they were doing, but that didn't stop them from trying to get a tap card from the machine. What is it about babies and buttons?!^^^

^^^The construction site I knew Quinny would love.^^^

^^^Evie and a few besties. He's been blessed with such great friends.^^^

^^^All six of these friends were riding in the backseat of my minivan. Partay, partay!^^^

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