Thursday, January 18, 2018

Quinn Isabel, Quizabel

Three years and three months is looking gooooooood on my little Quinner Cat. I can't put my finger on exactly when it happened but all I know is that for the last couple of weeks I've gone from completely dreading my days to being delighted to share them with my little buddy. She wants me to play with her, she tells me how much she loves me, she listens and responds rationally and she says multiple times a day, "You da best mommy in all da mommy's!" I can't adequately explain how much of a 180 this is except to tell you that in a prayer last month I told Heavenly Father how much I loved Quinny and she interrupted my prayer and said, "Oh, well I don't love you Mommy." Yep, actually happened. How rude! Let's just say that we've hit a sweet spot in our relationship and she's hit a sweet spot in her life and I never, ever, EVER want it to change. Ever. It makes me so glad that I followed the impression I received to keep her home from preschool with me for one more year because I can't imagine missing the little moments we've shared lately.

Quinny at three years and three months loves Bob the Builder and Fireman Sam and anytime we pass a construction site she begs me to roll down the window so that she can tell the workers how she's going to be working with them someday. She likes smelly spray and lipstick, but the wild child can't keep her clothes clean or her hair looking decent to save her life. She values her afternoon show while Coco naps and she's almost memorized her favorite book Don't call me Choochie Pooh that she begs me to read every night before bed. Just this morning she stayed in bed reading books instead of waking up her sister, me, her Dad and the rest of the house at 6am and it may have been a fluke, but she was so proud of herself and I kind of think it was on purpose (and please, please let it be the first morning of many). She's growing up and from where I'm sitting (eh-hem, snoozing) it's a beautiful thing!

^^^There was half a second where I thought she may go dressed up as Bob the Builder to her friend's princess party but alas, the Belle dress made the cut!^^^

^^^I don't call her my sunshine kitten in vain, look at that smile lighting up the park.^^^

^^^A little summer shopping with this cute thing. She'll take alllll the glasses.^^^

^^^Quinny spotted Brother Steenblik in his cheetah vest on the stand and was desperate to take a picture with him. I had to keep her from running up to him after the sacrament, but you better believe when the final "amen" was uttered she was pulling him by the arm to my side. That girl and her love of cheetahs!^^^

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